Not so long ago, the idea of a 2nd wedding being elaborate was frowned upon. You could not even make your 2nd wedding formal or extravagant in anyway. Most couples would rather be people pleasers and have a smaller, intimate and quieter 2nd wedding. However, today many are having bigger weddings whether it is their second one or not. The main focus should be on the two people who are in love and want to get married. Discovering love again and beginning a new life together should be the primary concern.
Social stigma for a 2nd wedding is getting to be more tolerable because people are realizing that life is too short to be stuck on what others think. Couples are making up their own rules about what they want and for a 2nd wedding this is no different.
Before Making Plans For a 2nd Wedding
One of the greatest concerns when organizing your 2nd wedding is the effect that it will have on any children you may have had previously. They should probably be told first about your intentions. You should be sensitive to their feelings and exercise some common courtesy for them since you will be merging two families together anyway. Remember, this is not their choice to make. You are imposing this on them. They should be the first to know of your intention to get married and plan a 2nd wedding.
Next, you should inform your parents and your previous partner, if you were married before and if you have joint custody of the children. Your previous partner should have the chance to assure the children that he will still be a part of their lives and that will not alter.
Organizing the Wedding
When you begin your 2nd wedding plans, you must get rid of any past relationships or love interest. To avoid any confusion, make good terms. They may become a bit sad and make the occasion a little awkward for you.
Most couples do pay for a 2nd wedding so ensure you have a budget, discuss what you expect from each other. When it comes to inviting people to the wedding, be sure to discuss it first. You don’t want any surprises to spoil your special day. You have a second chance to make this wedding different from the first. Not many people get that opportunity. So you don’t want to be fussing over a guest list before you tie the knot.