Weddings are a delightful experience. They are made up of wedding gowns, wedding cakes and marriage trains. It is an experience that most couples will recall with fond memories many years into the future. A wedding, however, isn’t complete if without a wedding toast. Asking the best man or close friend to give a toast during the marriage reception is one of the many unique wedding favors that people appreciate. It is not one to be approached lightly. Presenting a good wedding toast is an invaluable priceless gift that newlyweds will long remember and be grateful.
There are many things to pay attention to before giving a wedding toast. People will for instance have to make sure that they are neatly dressed. Avoiding alcohol is also a good idea, at least until after the delivery of the toast. Slurring during a toast is about as appealing as a missing bride on a wedding day. A better idea for speakers is to either avoid alcohol altogether or limit their intake to only one glass.
Just as important as the way a person looks is the method in which the message is delivered. Generally, toasts are comprised of the standard introduction, body and conclusion. If the speaker is less than familiar with the guests then the introduction will most likely include brief details about who he/she is. The speaker will typically stare at the newly married couple before he begins. If staring makes you nervous, a good way of avoiding direct eye contact with the guests is to look over their heads.
A good toast is one that is refreshing, fun and filled with sincere good will for the newlyweds. Anecdotes and many other pleasant memories often are included in the saying of a toast. It is however typically a bad idea idea to joked about the bride unless it is funny, light and will in no way leave her or anyone feeling uncomfortable. It is also not a good idea to bring up topics involving past relationships of either the groom or bride or bring up topics based on either of their parents or sexual history.
The right length for a toast is one that is not too short or too long. A time length of 3 to 5 minutes is typically best suited for such occasions. Wedding guests should also be able to clearly hear the speaker. Rehearsing the toast with a friend is a good way of clarifying the tone and feel of a toast. If a person finds that he has a problem remembering the contents of their planned toast, the speech can be written and then read during the reception.
Finally, a good toast is one that captures the mood of the wedding successfully. Although speakers should not be too liberal in the wording of their toast, they should also avoid being too formal. Marriage ceremonies might be formal but marriage receptions are supposed to be warm occasions. The merrier a toast is given the happier the couple and guests will be.